Graduates of the Master's in Design as Creativepreneurs combine advanced academic expertise with entrepreneurial spirit. They apply profound knowledge in design to create innovations that are not only aesthetic but also have market value. With a deep understanding of industry trends and sensitivity to consumer needs, graduates of the Master's in Design as Creativepreneurs become agents of change in the business world. They turn creative ideas into successful businesses, transforming the industry landscape with sustainable contributions and making a positive impact through high creativity and design skills.
Design Manager
"Taking on the role of Design Manager requires advanced academic abilities and deep insights into the design world. Not only do they lead creative teams, but they also combine theoretical knowledge and practical skills to design sustainable design strategies. Design Managers with a background in Master's in Design are able to bridge artistry and business functions, ensuring that every design project meets high standards and delivers significant added value. With a holistic view and profound analytical skills, Master's in Design graduates as Design Managers play a key role in shaping brand image and leading design innovation at the corporate level."