The Master's in Design program is one of the study programs under the Faculty of Creative Industry Engineering at Telkom University, established based on the Minister of Education and Culture Decree Number 200/M/2020.
The establishment of the Master's in Design Program at the Faculty of Creative Industry, Telkom University, originated from the spirit of advancing the knowledge in the field of design, which is increasingly responsive to industrial needs and collaborative with other knowledge domains. The curriculum development is oriented towards integrating design into business processes as a part of value creation through innovation and branding.
Advantages of the Master's in Design Program
Through this Master's in Design program, prospective students can advance their knowledge in the field of design, which is increasingly responsive to industry needs and collaborative with other fields of study. The curriculum development orientation of the Master's in Design program at Telkom University focuses more on integrating design into business processes as part of value creation through innovation and branding.